Yoga Bears Kids Yoga Australia’s Number 1 Kids Yoga Provider


It is more important than ever for a child to build self-esteem, self-awareness and strengthen their mind, body and heart.

In today’s world, many children are over-stimulated, and have too much or too little energy. Yoga for kids is proven to help your child develop a stronger, more connected body and build their self-confidence, all while quieting and strengthening their mind.​

The Curriculum for Calm & Focused Yoga Bears

​All children are special and each is different from the next. One quality that most children share is the disinclination to sit quietly in one place for hours at a time. Yet this is the premise of our education system.

​Throughout the day teachers ask the children to sit still, be quiet, listen, pay attention and settle down. Exasperated parents ask their kids why they can’t control themselves. If only they could take a deep breath and relax for one minute! This is sound advice.

“But where in a child’s day do they learn these skills?”

However, a pertinent question arises: where in a child's daily routine do they acquire these essential skills? How do they learn to focus, remain still, and calm themselves? Is there dedicated time for relaxation in their day?

At Yoga Bears, we address these critical aspects. Our program teaches children how to regulate their bodies, control their breath, sharpen their focus, and unwind. Through structured instruction, guided practice, and positive reinforcement, we equip children with the tools they need to thrive.

​YOGA is in fact, a curriculum for calm Yoga Bears Five Ways To Improve Well being! Evidence suggests there are five steps to improve our mental well being.

1) Connect – social contact encourage children to develop good relationships and connect with the people around them such as: family members, friends, neighbours, classmates, teachers and school staff.

2) Be Active – physical activity and regular exercise have positive impacts on children’s moods and emotions. Encourage children to find an activity they enjoy doing and make it a regular part of their routine.

3) Keep Learning – Active Minds Learning a new skill can give children a sense of achievement as well as experiencing positive emotions. Encourage them to consider activities such as learning to play a musical instrument, solving puzzles, joining after school activity clubs, etc.

 4) Self-Care and Relaxation – be mindful, talk to the children about appreciating the present moment, their thoughts, body and the world around them. It’s important for children to have good sleep routines, as well as taking time to relax by doing something they enjoy such as reading a book or watching a film

5) Give to others – be kind, getting involved in social and community life can help children to gain a sense of fulfilment. Children that are encouraged to enjoy greater interest in helping others are more likely to rate themselves as happy.

Yoga Bears Kids Yoga program comes to your child care centre door and we work closely with each individual centre to achieve the perfect outcome for the parents, kids and child care centre.

Making life long friendships from an early age.